Thanks everyone for putting on and coming to the Fall Festival! It was a fun party and raised over $7,000 for the school.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, October 9
Walk, Bike and Roll to school day! Students are encouraged to walk, bike or roll to school. If you can't you could park a block or two away from school and walk the final blocks in. Students that ride the bus will be dropped off at Langford Park and will walk the sidewalk to school that day.
Friday, October 11
Family Friday. Grab a cup of coffee in the cafeteria after drop off.
Now through October 15 - Fall Bulb Fundraiser
Get your tulips, daffodils and wildflowers here! Buy bulbs to plant this fall and enjoy next spring, while supporting our school! Shop online. Orders will ship directly to your home. The bulb sale is sponsored by Flower Power Fundraising. SAP Elementary receives 50% of all sales!
Orders accepted until October 15.
Order bulbs HERE.
Thursday & Friday, October 17 & 18 - No school, MEA
Friday, October 25 - No School, Conference Prep
Wednesday - Friday, November 6- 8 - Conferences
Friday, November 8 - No School, Conferences
Book Fair
The Literati Book Fair is now open for online ordering—click HERE to start shopping for books! Orders purchased online will ship at the end of book fair week.
The book fair itself will be held in the school library November 6-8 (during conferences). Look for more information in the coming weeks.
Great Gatherings
Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets at the Fall Festival for Great Gatherings! There are still tickets available to some amazing events, so please check out the list HERE. Have fun and develop community while supporting SAP!
Library Helper
Mr. Watson, our Library and Materials Management EA, would greatly appreciate help with reshelving books for an hour on Monday, Thursdays and Friday.
To sign up as a library helper, click HERE.
Volunteers Wanted!
Sign up for a volunteer committee for the 2024-2025 school year. The best way to make community is working alongside others!
Sign up HERE
Hockey season is coming!
Registration is now open for Langford Park Hockey. See for more information.
Spirit Wear
Rep your favorite elementary school! T-shirts ($20/kid, and $22/adult) and school signs ($10) are available for pre-order now. In-person sales at school events, including during conferences (in the Book Fair).
Have a great week, Wolf Pack!
If you have suggestions for content or questions about anything in the Wolf Pack Press, please reach out to Joel Van Valin at